Vasudeva Kriya Foundation's Yoga Session Held In Australian Federal Parliament

In a bid to mark "International Day of Yoga", a two hour yoga session was organized in the Australian Federal Parliament on Thursday by Vasudeva Kriya yoga foundation, for the first time ever in 2018.

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The session was attended by several lawmakers of the country, including former prime minister Tony Abbott and  Citizenship & Multicultural minister Tony Abbott who performed various asanas in the federal legislature. They said practicing yoga could be beneficial for politicians who live a stressful and busy social life.

Meanwhile, Rajendra Yenkannamoole, founder of Vasudeva Kriya Yoga, reportedly said that it was perhaps the first time that the International Yoga day was celebrated in any Parliament in the world.

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He said, "It was a very successful and historic event which was happened with the great support of Liberal Party Multicultural Chairman Rampal Muthyala. We are planning to make it even bigger in coming years in Australia.”

Among those who attended the event were Senator James Paterson, parliamentarian MPs  Julian Hill and Tim Wilson and Indian High Commissioner to Australia A M Gondane and 150 people attended.


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