Australia’s Queensland Nature Refuge Celebrates Birth Of ‘Hairy Nose Wombat -One Of the Rarest Species On Earth’
Climate change has become the growing problem of the 21st Century. We have already lost many beautiful species on Earth with the increasing temperature and pollution. Things we do for our selfish material comforts are somehow resulting in the extinction of many more species on Earth. While these clouds of despair are fuming the current day scenario, a ray of hope has shone in as a hairy-nosed wombat joey is born at the Richard Underwood Nature Refuge in St George, this is the first born in five years. With a population of just 250, it is one of the world’s rarest species. A wombat specialist team reports that mother and Joey are doing well, with the baby still staying close to its mother. On this subject, the Environment Minister Steven Miles said wildlife officers had been keenly watching the mother’s growing pouch for 10 months. When asked about the same, Mr. Miles said, “This is the first addition to the reintroduced colony of northern hairy-nosed wombats in five years, and it indic...